Empower Your Remote Workforce.

Get rid of costly hardware and up front costs. Follow policy and ensure files are not saved on employee owned devices with Shells Enterprise Remote Infrastructure Deployment (RID). Give your team serious tools to get the job done.

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Android TV

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

The future of workforce computing is the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). Instead of deploying your own costly hardware, Shells provides a pay-as-you go model. Get started and start saving instantly!

Bring Your Own Device Workforce

Enable employees to “bring your own device” (BYOD). Avoid any security policy breaches by ensuring that all files are saved in company owned accounts as opposed to employee owned hardware. And, of course, save big!

Rapid Scaling and Deployment

Whether you have a large amount of seasonal contractors or simply wish to switch to a cloud computer infrastructure, Shells can scale immediately from 0-1000 machines in no time.

Powerful Desktops

All Shells are powered by the Intel brand that you’ve come to trust and massive resources. Rest assured, our servers are not mobile phones.

Collaboration at Light Speed

With fast hardware and super fast internet connectivity, sharing files between team members takes seconds, not hours.


ShellsAmazon WorkspacesOwned Hardware
Desktop Grade
Always On
No Setup/Initial Fees
Easy to Use
Dedicated VDI Experts
Instant Scaling

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