Mumble is an open source Voice Over IP application for gamers. Mumble lets users talk to one another with low-latency codecs and has a simple interface. This tutorial will teach you how to run your own private Mumble (Murmur) server on your Ubuntu Shell™.
Users may connect to your server using your default IP address. If you want to purchase a dedicated IP address that never changes so that users never lose connection, you can follow the directions below.
How to order a public IP address for your Shell™
All available Shells™ meet the system requirements to run Mumble Server. All of the commands below must be executed as the Super User. (sudo command)
Install nano text editor for users inexperienced with the vi editor. We will use the text editor to edit the options of our Mumble Server Configuration file.
We include the '-y' tag to answer yes to all arguments. If you do not include the tag you will simply be asked to confirm by entering Y or N (yes or no) for each question.
sudo apt-get install -y nano
First, update the package database. Include the '-y' tag to answer yes to all arguments.
sudo apt-get -y update
Next, install any new packages. Include the '-y' tag to answer yes to all arguments.
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
Murmur's package name is mumble-server in the Official Ubuntu Repositories.
sudo apt-get install -y mumble-server
Mumble Server may take a few moments to install.
Once the Murmur installation is complete, you will need to run the package reconfiguration command to finish the basic setup. Use the arrow keys to select an answer, then press Enter.
To run the Package Configuration Wizard, enter:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server
It is recommended for Mumble-server to start at server boot, select 'Yes'
Select 'Yes' on the next screen to allow Mumble-Server top priority over other applications. This will allow the lowest possible latency between users and your server.
Finally, on the next screen, you will create a password for the SuperUser account. (The SuperUser account is the defaulted highest administrator account for Mumble Server. Be sure to change your password for security purposes.)
Your server is now active functional with the defaulted settings.
For more options, you will need to edit the configuration file located at /etc/mumble-server.ini.
To open/edit the file enter:
sudo nano /etc/mumble-server.ini
To enable some of these options, you will have to "uncomment" each option by removing the preceding # character.
Lines that start with # are not processed by the server.
For a detailed list of options that you can configure with Mumble-Server, go to Mumble Wiki:
To close the Nano editor press Ctrl+X, then press Y to save and press Enter to overwrite the existing file.
For changes to take effect, restart the server:
sudo service mumble-server restart
sudo service mumble-server status
The steps below will allow you to connect to your server as the SuperUser, other users can use the same steps. Other users can pick their own usernames and will not require a password, only the IP address and port number.
Download the Mumble client:
Open Mumble then click the 'Connect' button
Select United States of America from the North America option and then click 'Add New'
Enter the information for your Mumble server starting with your Shells™ public IP address. If you did not specify a custom port in the mumble-server.ini file, then use the default port of 64738. Click OK to save, then click 'Connect'.
The Mumble server is now saved to your favorites list.
If you did not enter a signed certificate, you will need to accept the server's certificate.
You are now connected to your Mumble server and can invite others to connect as well!